e-laboratory for digital education (LaDiEd)
About the project
The purpose of the project is to create sustainable partnerships of higher education institutions in the EU with the aim of strengthening the ability to introduce (e-)teaching and (e-)learning by developing digital pedagogical competencies of teaching staff, finding innovative solutions to provide high quality and inclusive digital education and by developing and using quality digital content and modern (e-)tools. Achieving this goal will contribute to strengthening higher education institutions to provide high quality and inclusive digital education by supporting professors in developing digital competencies and developing education and training systems to meet those challenges.
The digital transformation has entered in the education system through a small door, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it has gained worldwide proportions. It is necessary to digitally transform higher education through networking and dissemination of best practices and knowledge in order to be ready for the new digital era.
The target group of the project are primarily professors (Faculty) who need systematic and quality support and improvement of skills and competencies, not only in relation to new technologies but also in developing methodological approaches to understand which technologies and tools to choose for their teaching. When teachers feels competent, they will be more inclined to try to introduce new teaching methods. More than 50 teachers will participate in the project activities.
The results we intend to achieve are in networking higher education institutions by exchanging knowledge and experiences, developing digital pedagogical competencies of teaching staff, developing and creating an e-learning platform, analyzing online exams and then developing online exams methodology. By connecting Ireland, Slovenia and Croatia, we create the possibility for completely different views on the same topic, and in this way we enrich the project with different cultural and ideological points of view.
The effect we expect on participants and the organizations and target groups are improved competencies and knowledge so that they can adapt to the emerging reality caused by the Corona virus. By acquiring new tools, skills and knowledge to solve the difficulties and complexities associated with digital skills, they will become ready to use new technologies and transfer their knowledge to other stakeholders. Participating organizations will receive new international contacts and partnership opportunities for future activities. The long-term benefit for the participating faculties is their adaptation to the real needs of society, and thus raising their importance in society. The impact on organizations is finding innovative solutions to provide high quality and inclusive digital education through the development and use of quality digital content and tools tailored to local challenges and circumstances.
Finally, in the long run, we can expect a great impact of the project on students who will become future professionals and community leaders through high-quality digital education. We also expect an impact on the local community because with competent professors the community becomes more operational, prosperous, more democratic, more inclusive, the faster it develops in a direction that benefits its citizens, the less it is influenced by different interest groups.
- Transnational Project Meetings
- Intellectual outputs
- Multiplier Events
- Learning, Teaching, Training Activities
- Dissemination activities
Intellectual outputs
- OI 1– Analysis and methodology of evaluation of online exams
- OI2- Analysis and Methodology for developing digital competences
- OI3 – Platform for E-learning
- OI4- E-learning educational modules on digital competences
Develop your digital skills and pedagogical competencies, and find innovative solutions and tools to provide high quality and inclusive digital education.
The core team
Nenad Vretenar
University of Rijeka
Faculty of economics and business
Jelena Jardas Antonić
University of Rijeka
Faculty of economics and business
Barbara Buljat
University of Rijeka
Faculty of economics and business
Ivan Prudky
University of Rijeka
Faculty of economics and business
Ema Murić
University of Rijeka
Faculty of economics and business
Maura Adshead
University of Limerick
Centre for Transformative Learning
Mary Fitzpatrick
University of Limerick
Centre for Transformative Learning
University of Limerick
Centre for Transformative Learning
Angelica Risquez
University of Limerick
Centre for Transformative Learning
Lidija Hauptman
University of Maribor
Faculty of Economics and Business
Igor Perko
University of Maribor
Faculty of Economics and Business
Andreja Lutar Skerbinjek
University of Maribor
Faculty of Economics and Business